Re-Construction of Bridge at Tor Warsak Daggar & Widening/Improvement & BT of 18 KM Leftover Portion of Swarai Pirr-Qilla Puran Road, District Buner.
Administrative Approval: = 76.390 (M) / Dated:19/05/2015
Administrative Approval (Revised): = 1017.223 (M) / Dated:16/01/2017
Administrative Approval (2nd Revised): = 1188.97 (M) / Dated: 18/10/2023
Length of Road: = 18 Km
Date of Commencement: = October, 2015
Date of Completion: = june, 2025
Up to Date Expenditure: = Rs. 887.188 (M)
Allocation During PFY: = Rs. 272.660 (M)
Utilization: = 100 %
Design Consultants: = MS ABM
Supervisory Consultants: = MS CEC
Physical Progress: = 95 %
Financial Progress: = 87 %
PDWP / 18/10/2023 High priority